Hard Hats & Six Packs

Hard Hats & Six Packs

Appearance: Pours a pale straw color, exceptionally clear with a white, foamy head that shows excellent retention. Aroma: Inviting and clean, dominated by sweet, bready notes from German Pilsner malt. Subtle floral hints from German hops add complexity, with a trace of garden rose in the finish. Flavor: The palate mirrors the aroma with a…

Common Folk

Common Folk

Based loosely on a California Common style brew, Common Folk Amber Lager is quite possibly TCB’s #1 flagship brew! 2-row and Munich malts give this beer a strong foundation. Add in Northern Brewer hops at precise intervals, and you have nothing but MAGIC! It sounds simple but is nothing but delicate and incredible and will…

Frozen Trail Ale

Frozen Trail Ale

Brewed with delicious winter spices you have come to love. Enjoy Close, Cinnamon, and Orange peel which are present yet do not overwhelm your pallet. Our Winter Warmer is surprisingly easy drinking. Enjoy hints of sweet dark fruit, caramel, and light molasses.

Shark Attack

Shark Attack

This Irish red ale pours rich ruby red in color with a thick creamy head. Soft toffee and a moderate level of caramel flavor, with a toast character. A sweet nose & hints of malt. On the palate it is smooth, creamy, and balanced.



Zywiec Full Light beer is familiar to beer drinkers in many countries, including US, Canada and Russia. This famous beer is a product of exceptional quality, brewed from the best domestic hops and malt with crystal clear mountain water, according to the traditional recipes of Zywiec brewers.



Zywiec Porter is one of the oldest Polish beers, brewed according to the original recipe created in 1881. It has the unique characteristics of Baltic porters. Żywiec Porter is a dark, bottom-fermenting beer, brewed with the use of malt made nowadays in the same way as a century ago, by means of the malt roaster…