Announcing the Winners of the 2023 NY International Beer Competition

Thanks to all the incredible producers who submitted products to this year’s competition! 

700+ Submissions
15+ Countries
30+ Categories
Brand NameProduct TypeProduct NameProduct CategoriesPrice CategoryEntry YearEntry Award
Brand NameProduct TypeProduct NameProduct CategoriesPrice CategoryEntry YearEntry Award
Brand NameProduct TypeProduct NameProduct CategoriesPrice CategoryEntry YearEntry Award


Alabama Brewery of the Year
Fractal Brewing Project


California Mead Producer of the Year
Williamson Mead and Brewing

Del Norte County Brewery of the Year
Port O’Pints Brewing Co.

San Diego Ale Brewery of the Year
TapRoom Beer Co.

San Diego Lager Brewery of the Year
Hodad’s Brewing Company


Colorado Bitter Beer Brewery of the Year

Colorado Chocolate Beer Brewery of the Year
Beyond The Mountain Brewing

Colorado Pilsner Brewery of the Year
Raices Brewing Company


Connecticut Ale Brewery of the Year
Clocktown Brewing Company


Delaware Brewery of the Year
Thompson Island Brewing Company


Miami Brewery of the Year
Cerveceria La Tropical

Orlando Brewery of the Year
Tactical Brewing Co

Tampa Bay Brewery of the Year
Tampa Bay Brewing


Georgia Brewery of the Year
Akademia Brewing Co.

Georgia Pilsner Brewery of the Year
Savannah River Brewing Co.


Hawaii Brewery of the Year
Honolulu Beerworks


Illinois Irish Style Brewery of the Year
Blue Cat Brewing Co


Louisiana Brewery of the Year
Gnarly Barley Brewing

Louisiana Ale Brewery of the Year
Parish Brewing Company


Maine Brewery of the Year
Orono Brewing


Michigan Brewery of the Year
Redwood Brewing Co.

Michigan Ale Brewery of the Year
HomeGrown Brewing Company

Michigan Pilsner Brewery of the Year
Third Monk Brewing Company


Missouri Ale Brewery of the Year
Bluewood Brewing


Minnesota Brewery of the Year
Brass Foundry Brewing Co.


Nevada Brewery of the Year
Great Basin Brewing Co.

Nevada Ale Brewery of the Year
Revision Brewing Company

New Jersey

New Jersey Brewery of the Year
Bonesaw Brewing

New Jersey Ale Brewery of the Year
Czig Meister Brewing

New Jersey Coffee Beer Brewery of the Year
Eight & Sand Beer Co

New Jersey Hard Seltzer Brewery of the Year
Czig Meister

New Jersey Porter Brewery of the Year
Jersey Girl Brewing Company

New Jersey Session Beer Brewery of the Year
Zed’s Beer

New York 

Sparking Hard Tea of the Year
Owl’s Brew

New York Ale Brewery of the Year
Saranac Brewery

New York Belgian Style Brewery of the Year
Brewery Ardennes

New York Pilsner Brewery of the Year
Great Life Brewing

New York Stout Brewery of the Year
Prison City Brewing

North Carolina

North Carolina Brewery of the Year
Whistle Hop Brewing Company


Ohio Brewery of the Year
Moerlien Lager House

Ohio Porter Brewery of the Year
Twin Oast Brewing Company


Oregon Brewery of the Year
Rosenstadt Brewery


Pennsylvania Brewery of the Year
Wallenpaupack Brewing Company

Pennsylvania Ale Brewery of the Year
Mindful Brewing Co

Pennsylvania Lager Brewery of the Year
New Trail Brewing Company

Pennsylvania Porter Brewery of the Year
Wissahickon Brewing Company

Rhode Island

Rhode Island Brewery of the Year
Whalers Brewing Company

South Carolina

South Carolina Brewery of the Year
Holy City Brewing


Texas Pilsner Brewery of the Year
Live Oak Brewing Company


Utah Brewery of the Year
Grid City Beer Works


Virginia Brewery of the Year
Old Salem Brewing Company

Virginia Mead Producer of the Year
Funktastic Meads

Washington State

Washington State Brewery of the Year
No-Li Brewhouse

Washington State Hard Seltzer of the Year
No-Li Brewhouse

Washington State Lager Brewery of the Year
Brick West Brewing Co.


Wisconsin Brewery of the Year
Stevens Point Brewery


Canada Non Alcohol Brewery of the Year
Libra Non Alcoholic Craft Beer


Italy Brewery of the Year
Hausbrandt Trieste 1892 Spa


Poland Brewery of the Year


Spain Brewery of the Year

Spain Lager Brewery of the Year

Spain Gluten Free Brewery of the Year

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